TWH Selected by CQC as part of Infection Prevention and Control Review
Last month after very short (2 days!) notice we received a visit by CQC who are carrying out a thematic review to look at the safety of care homes in relation to Infection Control and Prevention (IPC). The information collated in the review will form part of the government's response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
TWH was one of 300 care homes selected across the country, to help CQC gather information on their experiences and preparedness of what may lay ahead. During the inspection, the inspector gave the reasons why TWH was one of the Home's selected for this review as:
Outstanding rating
Containment and being successful prevention of the spread of the virus
Staff Support
The review visit was extremely positive and TWH was commended on our preparedness and response to the pandemic including the policies and procedures we had put in place as well as the access that families and friends have to electronic care plans which has enabled our F&F to stay connected to their loved ones.
Our visit will be part of an insight report to collate good practice and other learning gathered as part of an initial report due to be published in September 2020.
